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polluting effect中文是什么意思

用"polluting effect"造句"polluting effect"怎么读"polluting effect" in a sentence


  • 污染效应


  • 4 . has a deep research into the environment pollution caused by energy utility . the polluting effects of energy utility to the atmosphere in the city are measured
    ( 4 )深入研究了能源使用对环境造成的污染,计算量化了能源使用对石家庄大气环境质量的影响,阐释了污染物的容量消减模式和绿色税费概念。
  • " it is a question of putting a wave of suspended air around the statue in such a way as to keep the atmospheric particles which land on the statue and which , together , have a corrosive and polluting effect at a distance , " he added
    他补充说: “急待解决的问题是在雕像周围设置悬浮的空气波,从而保护雕像不受落在雕像表面的大气粒子的侵袭,这些粒子即使在远处也会对雕像产生腐蚀和污染。 ”
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